What is Home Bias?

Home bias refers to investors overweighting their domestic market in their portfolios, even when a globally diversified approach might be more optimal.

Pros of Home Bias (for European Investors)

Currency Stability: Investing in your home currency (EUR) reduces FX risk and volatility.

Tax & Regulatory Simplicity: Some local investments have favorable tax treatment.

Familiarity & Accessibility: European investors may feel more comfortable investing in local companies they understand.

Cons of Home Bias

Misses Global Opportunities: The European stock market (~15% of world market cap) is small compared to the US (~65%). Avoiding the US means missing a dominant part of global economic growth.

Sector Concentration: Europe has fewer tech giants (Apple, Microsoft, etc.), which have driven market returns.

Lower Historical Performance: Over the last 20 years, US stocks have outperformed Europe significantly. Betting too much on Europe can hurt returns.

Verdict: Should European Investors Have a Home Bias?